Bullswool Farm Park

  • All visitors must comply with the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015
  • All visitors must report to reception on arrival.
  • Children must be under the supervision of an adult at all times.
  • Always feed the animals with the feeders provided and avoid putting your hands near the our animals’ mouths. Our animals are friendly, but they may accidentally inflict a bite.
  • Do not go into any enclosure with  the animals without permission.
  • Please respect all No Entry signs.
  • Do not enter any farm sheds that aren’t signposted as being open to the public. They contain dangerous substances and materials.
  • Go through gates, not over cattle-stops.
  • Do not go near, or touch, any machinery.

Bullswool Farm Park Birthday Parties

How to have a happy and fun Birthday Party at Bullswool Farm:

  • Children must be under the supervision of adults at all times.
  • Some of the children in your group may be unused to animals, and how to behave around them. Please encourage all guests to understand that animals are living things, and need to be treated with respect and care.
  • We have NEVER had to cancel a birthday party, but are prepared to do so if inadequately supervised children’s behaviour is likely to endanger our animals or themselves.

Bullswool Farm Park, 2019 | Contact: info@bullswoolfarm.co.nz

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